Teach Women These Two Things ...

Islam is present, one of which is to elevate the status of women. This can be seen from the number of names related to women. For example, in the Koran there is the name surah an-Nisa, heaven under the feet of the mother (or woman), mother (or woman) as a madrasa, women as a pillar of the state, and behind the success of a man there is a great woman.

Apart from Rasululloh specifically ordering before his death to give attention and advice to women, in one hadith, Rasululloh ordered us Muslims to teach two things to women.

In the words of Rasululloh, Teach to women spinning and surah an-Nur. (Hadith History of Imam Baihaki).

First, teach women about spinning. Spinning is a special skill. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, to spin means: to twist to make a rope: to spin a palm fiber; the person is spinning coconut husk to make rope. In spinning activities, there are high levels of patience and latency values.

More than that, it shows the importance of providing skills to women, especially related to skills in managing the household. For example, children's education, family financial management, cooking management, and house management.

Second, teach women surah an-Nur. One of the contents contained in surah an-Nur which is related to women is verse 31. There are three commands to teach women as contained in verse 31, namely maintaining one's perspective, maintaining genitals, and maintaining genitals and boundaries.

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta ala says, Say to a woman who believes:

"Let them hold back their gaze, and their wills, and they shall not reveal their jewelery, except what is (plain) visible from it. And let them put a veil over their breasts, and do not name their jewels except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's father, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers, or their brothers 'sons, or their sisters' sons, or Muslim women, or slaves - slaves they have, or male servants who have no desire (for women) or children who do not understand women's genitals, and do not strike their feet so that they will find out the jewels they sound. to Allah, O you who believe so that you will benefit (Al-Qur'an Surat an-Nur).

May Allah guide us, our families, as women who can carry out the two things that have been taught with sincerity and responsibility. Aamin.

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